

This weekend I got the local coupon book in the mail.  I actually enjoy reading through the coupon book.  Its not that I will actually use the coupon.  But rather, I am learning about some of the smaller businesses around me.  Chicago is a much larger city than what I was used to and reading the local coupon book for my neighborhood is helpful.  But the back cover of this latest issue had me so surprised.  There is a page of coupons for a local gas station and the coupons are for booze and beer!  I thought that was so hi-larious that you can actually cut a coupon for your Jose Cuervo or Capt Morgan.  Unfortunately I don’t drink either or those.  But if there was a coupon for some wine, I may have clipped the coupon and visited the local gas station!

1 Comment »

  1. >I have never seen a coupon for booze before. That's funny! I would'nt a coupon for Jose Cuervo. In the summer I love my Margaritas.

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